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A 3-Day “Master Class” and Transformative Experience for Thought Leaders, Messengers and Experts

with Janet Goldstein and Elizabeth Marshall

Are you ready to share your ideas and message with the world – in a much BIGGER way?

Do you know you’ve got a book in your future, but need direction in making it happen?

Is your book close to launch or needing a boost to have the impact it deserves?

No matter what your stage as an author or messenger, it takes a lot of work to shape your ideas and put them out there in meaningful, effective, and even visionary ways – whether small or large in scale.

Not only that, but there are obstacles all along the road to publishing success. This reality is exacerbated by all the conflicting advice (some good, some bad) readily available to aspiring authors on the best ways to develop your idea, write, publish, and then promote your message.

Without a clear understanding of the ever-evolving New World of Publishing and a plan to make all the pieces work together (including the “Big 3” frameworks every author needs to succeed), your publishing dreams may stall – or even die - before they can come true.

Instead, imagine if you could:

  • Develop your IDEA into a powerful, compelling and perfectly packaged concept that will attract readers – and appeal to publishers (if traditional publishing is the path you choose)

  • Identify the best PUBLISHING PATHWAY for your message, your business and your overall goals – saving you time, energy and money

  • Understand the most effective ways to build RELATIONSHIPS with potential fans and readers, as well as strategic partners, industry leaders and organizations aligned with your business and your book

  • Discover the right BUSINESS MODEL for your book and your overall business, along with the marketing STRATEGIES you need to succeed

And, what would be possible if you had a chance to:

  • Meet and “rub shoulders” with top NYC publishing experts

  • Receive specific, customized feedback on your book idea from two leaders who’ve launched several bestselling books

  • Access and implement the 3 CORE FRAMEWORKS you need for publishing success (your idea, your relationships and your business/marketing strategies), allowing you to sell more books and make a bigger impact

Here is Your Chance to Meet and Rub Shoulders with a Select Group
of Top NYC Publishing Experts and Bestselling Authors

Before we go ANY further, we must reveal some very exciting guests who will be with us at the event, including some leading authors (who are NY Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers) you know and love, along with a select group of NYC publishing experts (agents, editors and publicists) from some of the top publishing houses today, including:

Joelle Delbourgho, literary agent and President, Joelle Delbourgho Associates (agent for Pam Slim, author Escape From Cubicle Nation)
Patty Gift, Director of Acquisitions at Hay House and former editorial director at Sterling Publishing, and One Spirit and Quality Paperback Book Clubs
Ron Hogan, literary blogger and former editor of GalleyCat
David Moldawer, editor at Portfolio (authors include John Jantsch and Scott Belsky)
Madeline Morel, President 2M Communications, a cutting edge literary agency that specializes in matching ghostwriters and professional collaborators with high-profile and high-potential authors
Heidi Sachner, associate publisher at Newmarket and former sales executive at Random House
Debbie Stier, Director of Digital Marketing at HarperCollins Publishers and former Vice President and Associate Publisher at the groundbreaking HarperStudio imprint

In addition, you’ll get to meet and learn from this bestselling author, who will be our guest keynote:

PLEASE NOTE: Each of these individuals will be in attendance at the event, as well as accessible and interested in meeting those who choose to attend the event! These experts are part of our core inner circle and we are so pleased they will be joining us at this groundbreaking event and publishing environment to help you move your idea, relationships and business forward!

Without further ado…

You are invited to join Janet Goldstein and Elizabeth Marshall for a brand new, sure-to-be-powerful experience:

Now, please allow us to introduce ourselves…

As published authors and experts who’ve also helped many New York Times bestselling authors as well as self-published experts to develop, publish, launch, promote, and sell their books – and spread their ideas – Janet and Elizabeth (that’s us) have personally lived the journey you’ve chosen to take.

We've seen the gaps, myths, and distractions that trip up so many authors and thought leaders; in that process, we've looked for and FOUND models that can move you forward with clarity and passion – and with the RIGHT effort, focus, and creativity. We also understand what it takes to successfully publish a book, develop an idea, and build a powerful following for your work – in the New World of Publishing.


Janet Goldstein

Janet is one of the most respected publishing and strategy consultants in the marketplace, with over 25 years’ worth of executive editorial experience at three of the biggest New York City publishing houses and a thriving entrepreneurial practice today.

In her positions at Viking Penguin, Broadway Books, and HarperCollins, she's worked with a long list of bestselling authors like David Allen, Susan Scott, novelist Barbara Kingsolver, Harriet Lerner and Wayne Dyer. She is nationally known for her ability to guide established authors, experts, fiction and nonfiction writers, and nonprofits who want to position and launch their books and ideas to the widest possible audiences. A frequent speaker on publishing and thought-leadership strategies, she is the co-creator of the Publishing Reset Book Breakthrough Program.

Janet is the co-author of the leadership bestseller, It’s Not About the Coffee with Howard Behar, former President of Starbucks, which has sold more than 100,000 copies and has been translated into 7 languages.


Elizabeth Marshall

Elizabeth is not only a marketing strategist and connection-maker for authors and messengers, but she’s the host and founder of, the place where the best, most respected authors come to spread their message and sell their books.

She’s worked with NY Times bestselling authors like Keith Ferrazzi, Seth Godin, Guy Kawasaki, Dan Pink and Michael Port as well as new authors and emerging thought leaders.

A published author herself, she wrote The Contrarian Effect with Michael Port, which was named Amazon's Best of 2008 Top 10 Business Book and was awarded 1-800-CEO-READs Best Sales Book for 2008.


Here Are Just a Few of the Authors We’ve Helped


We know that you need the right guidance, support, and specific strategies to implement your project if you’re going to see your name on the cover of a book or connect with hundreds and thousands of fans and readers wanting and needing what you have to offer. And further, we’ve also learned from hands-on experience with hundreds of clients and workshop participants exactly where the roadblocks are that can cause you to flounder, get stuck, or simply miss opportunities right in front of you.

Nourish Your Idea and Cultivate Your Relationships at
This Intimate, Hands-On Event in Inspiring NYC

This event is not your typical info-dump workshop or seminar; instead, it’s an intimate, hands-on experience and “master class” to teach you how to build and leverage the three core success frameworks you need to create your book breakthrough:

Your Ideas – how to develop, refine, edit and package them in the best way possible

Your Relationships – the art and science behind making connections with the right individuals and groups best aligned to help you spread your message

Your Strategies – both business and marketing actions that truly lead to the results you desire, including book sales, clients and a loyal following

Earlier this year (in February), we hosted the Book Breakthrough workshop in Dallas – which was a great success! In short, it was a fabulous workshop where we explained the New World of Publishing and the steps to develop one's ideas, pursue the best publishing pathway, and maximize one's relationships and platform for the greatest possible success.

Except for one thing…

It left our clients wanting and needing more than we could possibly deliver at a 1-day event. Although the attendees received incredible value from the Dallas event, we realized that a 3-day event is the only way we could teach the models you need to successfully develop your idea, choose the right pathway, identify the key relationships you need, select best marketing and launch framework for YOUR book, the ideal business model for you, your book and your business…and lastly…how to integrate all these elements and get them working for you – not against you!

Thus, a new Book Breakthrough – this time in NYC – was born!

Now, for those who attended the Dallas event or heard about it, let us be clear:

The material we'll be covering at this LIVE event in NYC is fresh, NEW and powerful – it’s what we’re using for ourselves, with our clients, and in our coaching and teaching.

As part of this “master class” and transformational experience on July 29 – 31, 2010, we’ll reveal 3 core frameworks (editorial, relationship/launch, and business development) every author and expert needs to know. But, that’s not all…

As part of this unique, master-class environment, you will:

immediately apply these NEW INSIGHTS, and you'll be able to use them for every book and idea-driven project you want to plan and launch.
get PERSONAL ATTENTION AND FEEDBACK on your most current SIGNATURE IDEAS, including a "master class," think-tank style workshopping of your own key project.
meet amazing fellow participants and guest insider publishing experts at the CUTTING EDGE
discover proven ways to use ALL YOUR RESOURCES --time, money, connections--most effectively to maximize your VISIBILITY, IMPACT, ENERGY, AND SUCCESS.
learn BUSINESS MODELS that you can apply to your publishing dreams.
create a DOING-LESS-WITH-MORE MINDSET in building your Dream Team, strategic partners, and tribe--for you and your particular project(s).
leave with a sense of purpose and direction --you will be UNSTUCK AND CLEAR about immediate next steps.

"As a first time author, I found Elizabeth's guidance to be invaluable. She knows the ins and outs of marketing a book - and that's why the top guns in every field turn to her.

There are a lot of people in the marketing world who talk a big game, but Elizabeth walks her talk."

Shama Hyder Kabani
of The Zen of Social Media Marketing (2010)


David Allen"Janet's contributions to my work have been invaluable. Her guidance both expanded my thinking and grounded it in practical implementation. She helped me express, package, and position my work for the greatest possible success."
--David Allen, president of The David Allen Company and author of Getting Things Done


"A wise investment, Elizabeth offers honest and respectful feedback that creates a clear focus and RESULTS.

She helped me refine my core theme and how to connect with my market.Her strategies to market and spread my message were spot on.

Thanks to Elizabeth, my book proposal has been accepted by a major publishing house (John Wiley & Sons). Well on my way to a life long dream."

Sharon Sayler

Harriet Lerner
"Janet discovered, named and published The Dance of Anger. Without her it never would have happened."
--Harriet Lerner, Ph.D., on publication of the 20th anniversary edition of The Dance of Anger (over 2.5 million copies sold)


"It's as a direct consequence of participating in Elizabeth Marshall's Spread Your Message Program that my book will be published in June 2010 by Greenleaf Book Group.

With Elizabeth's unstinting help and advice throughout the program I was able to clearly define my book's message and target audience, resulting in a book proposal that my publisher said "knocked it out of the park".

Elizabeth's passion, knowledge, experience and commitment is both contagious and effective - her Spread Your Message Program dramatically accelerated my path to becoming a published author by providing me with tools, strategies and accountability that enabled me to accomplish in three months what might otherwise have taken a year or more. In the long journey to getting published, the Spread Your Message Program undoubtedly ranks as the best investment I have made.

Les McKeown
Author of Predictable Success: Getting Your Organization Back On the Growth Track - and Keeping It There


How Do I Know if Book Breakthrough NYC is Right for ME?

We’ll dive more into the specifics of what you’ll learn in just a moment, but first, here’s how to determine whether this event is right for you.

Our Book Breakthrough NYC event is ideal for:

  • Coaches, consultants and service professionals who feel “called” to deliver a message to a much wider audience

  • Entrepreneurs and business experts who want become a recognized expert in their field or industry

  • Leaders and executives who know that a book is an essential next step for their career

  • Speakers, teachers and helping professionals who want to expand their influence and impact thousands of lives

  • Both aspiring and already published authors who want a fresh perspective on how to expand their reach, publish a new idea and build their “platform” (don’t worry, we’ll explain if this concept is new to you)

In addition, this workshop is INVALUBLE if you:

  • Have a self-published book or partially written manuscript and need help on how to build an audience and following to attract a literary agent, publisher or plan to successfully publish your book on your own

  • Want feedback and help on how to come up with your BIG IDEA

BUT, so that we’re clear on what to expect, the Book Breakthrough NYC is NOT for:

Fiction authors who just want to learn about crafting and pitching (however, this event IS great for helping you learn how to build your “tribe” and an audience for your work)

Authors who are looking for a specific “book launch plan” or a formula for how to reach bestseller status (but we WILL discuss the essential marketing elements that lead up a successful launch and help sustain book sales)

Any aspiring author or messenger who’s not open or willing to receive feedback and direction about your idea and your publishing plans.


Andrea Lee"Janet’s work is clear, current and fearlessly realistic. She gives hope and action steps to those who want to navigate the new world of publishing. Working with her was like 'grad school' for a serious author; a true 'insider look' from someone who's bought and sold many properties. Janet was an advocate for the best possible long-term view for me and that was invaluable. And enjoyable too!"
--Andrea J. Lee, Thought Partnership International and Multiple Streams of Income Coaching,


Tina Forsyth"Elizabeth is the quintessential pro and her Spread Your Message program gives you all of the information you need to be able to strategically and effectively get your message out there. Having helped hundreds of people do just that I can't think of anyone better than Elizabeth to kick start your own book marketing."

Tina Forsyth
Author of Becoming an Online Business Manager


Todd Kashdan"My book would not have been written without Janet Goldstein. She was my bedrock foundation of strength and encouragement. Her editing and labors were crucial in creating the book I wanted to write. She was invaluable to this project and in the process, I found a close friend. I already recommend Janet to every writer I know and plan on working with her for the remainder of my career."
--Todd Kashdan, Ph.D., professor and author of Curious? Discovering the Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life (2009)


"Elizabeth's Spread Your Message Program helped me qualify, quantify, organize, and prepare to present my unique value.

Not only is her Program time and money well spent, it is a phenomenal investment in your personal success. Elizabeth delivers, so you can, too!"

Andrew [Drew] Marshall


Lissa Boles"The workshop wildly exceeded my expectations. It was easy to tell a great deal of thought, consideration and care (never mind years of honed experience) went into the program, and I’m beyond grateful to have been a recipient of it all. Finally -- your hot seat feedback was electrifying and I really look forward to working with you as I zero in and refine things in the next couple of months."
--Lissa Boles, The Soul Mapper,


If you’re getting a gut feeling or aha! that this one-day event might be JUST what you need to move forward, here’s a peek at what we’ll be covering…

Powerful Learning and Valuable Takeaways You’ll Receive
at This Out-of-the-Box Event

Unlike some events out there that are short on value and full of sales pitches, our 3-Day Book Breakthrough NYC event is bursting at the seams with solid value, proven strategies and time-tested tools that we’ve actually used with our clients.

(In fact, they consistently tell us that we over-deliver FAR above and beyond what we promise, so rest assured that we’ll do the same at this event.)

Now, here’s a snapshot of the outcomes and the experiences you’ll have when you attend Book Breakthrough NYC on Thursday, July 29, through Saturday, July 31, 2010, at the newly renovated and beautiful Doubletree Metropolitan Hotel in idea-inspiring New York City!

Day One: It’s All About Your Idea

On the first day, we will create an environment and learning lab so that you can not only understand how to unearth the most clear, compelling and potent version of your book idea and message as possible, but we’ll reveal the Four Publishing (Editorial) Pathways essential to your publishing success.

In addition, we’ll give you valuable and juicy information on how to:

Package your idea into a complete “IT” so that it sells – instead of sitting on a shelf
2 Choose the best publishing path for your book – based on your unique message, your budget and your overall business goals
3 Test, develop and refine your idea with your potential audience
5 Find compelling and juicy language to talk about your book, attracting potential fans and followers

Not to mention, you’ll gain incredible insights from the Expert Publishing Panel Discussion that day, which will include “insider” publishing experts who will share the ins and outs of what authors need to thrive in the New World of Publishing.

Day Two: It’s All About Your Relationships

On the second day, you will learn the art and science behind building the relationships, community and Dream Team essential to building a loyal following, launching your book, and creating a powerful support network around your message. You will not only receive the “Art of Connecting” process for creating powerful and purposeful relationships, but we show you how those relationships are critical to your marketing and launch success.

As a result of this hands-on learning, you will gain:

Proven ways to connect with well-known experts, industry leaders, strategic partners and organizations
2 Specific case studies and techniques for reaching out to centers of influence and followers alike
3 Time-tested models for nourishing your Dream Team relationships, including powerful keep-in-touch strategies

Day Three: It’s All About Your Business (Strategies and Business Models)

On the final day, you will understand how to pull all the pieces together – your idea, relationships, marketing plan, strategies and business (the 3 CORE frameworks – to exponentially increase your ability to not only succeed as an author, but to make an impact with your message and your work. This is the missing link that MOST authors don’t receive or understand, so your takeaways and shifts on this final day will be significant indeed!

At the end of Day 3, you will understand how to:

Align your core idea and message with your overall business, using the PROVEN BUSINESS MODELS
2 Integrate your book into your business and overall goals and use it as a powerful tool to attract clients and to open doors to more income
3 Choose the best marketing strategies to promote your idea and book – saving your precious time, energy and dollars

When it’s all said and done, you’ll walk away from Book Breakthrough NYC equipped with a new mindset and proven models, frameworks and pathways to develop your idea, choose your publishing pathway, build key relationships, integrate your book with your business and to determine the best ways to launch and promote your book!

Sounds Fantastic, But What’s the Investment?

Over the years, we’ve worked with thought leaders and messengers to not only help them get published, but also to launch their books, build relationships, grow their businesses (as a result of their book) and to open doors and opportunities that simply would not have been available to them before launching their book!

As a result of working with us, our clients have:

  • Secured book deals with top NYC publishing houses

  • Received bestseller status – New York Times, Wall Street Journal, etc.

  • Won national awards for their books

  • Sold – and continued to sell – hundreds of thousands of books

  • Published high-quality, professional books through self publishing and do-it-yourself options

  • Successfully built a following and community for their message and book

That’s just a taste of the results and outcomes our private clients have experienced in working with us. And, it’s that experience and expertise that’s behind this out-of-the-box event we’ve put together in NYC for you!

Based on the feedback we received from our Dallas workshop participants as well as input from our clients, the actual price you will pay for Book Breakthrough NYC is far less than the value you will receive.

After all, imagine what would be possible if you gained just:

  • ONE new insight that significantly improves your current book idea or concept, radically increasing its attractiveness to publishers and readers alike?

  • ONE new connection to a publishing expert, strategic partner, potential endorsement or organization that’s perfectly aligned to support your work?

  • ONE new strategy to build your following or align your business with your overall message and book?

What would that be worth to you? $1000? $2500? $5000?

We’re confident that any one of these “wins” are well worth the price you’ll pay to attend Book Breakthrough NYC. But, rest assured that you will walk away from this “Master Class” experience with much more – including quality new ideas, resources, potential relationships, and strategies you can immediately implement to GET RESULTS.

Now, while we know that the workshop and the bonuses alone are worth more than $4500, we’re definitely not going to charge you that price! Instead, we’re officially opening the doors to this event for the low Price of $997 – a significant savings off the retail price of $1297.

Remember…this is a unique, not-to-be-missed opportunity to connect with some of the top NYC publishing experts, who will be present at the event as well as to learn the proven, new models for making a significant mark as an author and thought leader, so make plans to join us on July 29 – 31, 2010, in NYC!

Ready to create YOUR Book Breakthrough? If so, please reserve your seat by clicking on the register button below.

Yes, I’m Ready for MY Book Breakthrough!

Please reserve my seat for Book Breakthrough NYC – a Master Class experience and transformative event on Thursday, July 29 through Saturday, July 31, 2010, in New York City.

By signing up for the workshop, I’m know that I’m not only going to receive significant value from the idea labs, models, hot-seat coaching, and expert panels that Janet and Elizabeth’s event will deliver, but I’ll also receive this additional bonus:

BONUS #1: Meet-and-Great reception with top NYC publishing experts and strategist – an exclusive, not-to-be-missed opportunity!

Get the details about the workshop location,
along with hotel and travel information by clicking here.

Rest assured, your purchase will be processed through our secure servers.

NOTE: Limited seating is available, so register today to guarantee your spot!

Click here to learn about the cancellation and refund policy


Have Questions or Need Help?

If you are not sure whether our Book Breakthrough NYC is a good fit for you or if you have a specific question about the event, ask away!

You can reach Elizabeth by phone or email:
Phone: 214.358.0567
Email: questions (at) authorteleseminars (dot) com

You can also reach Janet by phone or email:

Phone: 212.995.2218
Email: janet (at) janetgoldstein (dot) com

We’d love to work with you and support you in away way we can, whether it’s through Book Breakthrough NYC or by working with us privately. Either way, we’re excited to connect with you!

Legal Disclaimer:

We have made every effort to accurately and precisely represent our offerings and their potential. The endorsements and examples used are examples only, and may represent exceptional results, and are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk involved, so the use of our product, system and advice should be based on your own clear due diligence. By visiting our site, you agree that our company is not directly or indirectly liable for your success or failure.

Author Teleseminars
5600 West Lovers Lane
Suite 116, PMB 142
Dallas, Texas 75206

(214) 358-0567


© 2010 Elizabeth Marshall